Successful Rangers Program Bindjareb Boodja

Successful Rangers Program Bindjareb Boodja

We are so pleased and proud that the Winjan Aboriginal Corporation has been successful in receiving funding under Round 3 of the Aboriginal Rangers Program. $308,000 funding will enable the Rangers program to employ 1 part time Coordinator and 2 part time Rangers...
Paula Pownall

Paula Pownall

Paula joined Peel Harvey Catchment Council in 2018 as our Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF). Paula has been based in Coolup for almost 30 years, joking that she is not quite a local yet. Sustainable agriculture has always been a passion for Paula,...
Swans return to Myalup Lagoon

Swans return to Myalup Lagoon

One of the wonderful things about carrying out monthly water quality monitoring of the Yalgorup Lakes is being able to experience the seasons and the changes in flora and fauna associated with this.  One such change that we saw this month was the return of Black...
Land for Wildlife

Land for Wildlife

A big Welcome to the newest members to join the Land for Wildlife Family. The Lake Clifton Catchment is home to large areas of remnant bushland, such as the Yalgorup National Park, Peel-Harvey Estuary and Island Point Nature Reserve. These bushland areas provide...
Mussel Up For the Murray

Mussel Up For the Murray

On the 24 November, members of the Murray River community came together to learn about how they can be involved in a new and exciting project that focuses on promoting the growth of Black Pygmy Mussels (Xenostrobus securis) in the Murray River to provide a food source...
Our feathered global tourists check in!

Our feathered global tourists check in!

During Kambarang and Birak seasons, more than 20,000 migratory shorebirds arrive at our Peel-Yalgorup Ramsar listed wetlands (Ramsar 482) from as far away as the Arctic Circle to feed and avoid those icy northern hemisphere winter conditions! This means that a team of...
Soils aint Soils: Farmers saving money and the environment!

Soils aint Soils: Farmers saving money and the environment!

Thirteen farmers from the Peel-Harvey catchment have been accepted into the Healthy Estuaries soil sampling program this year.  This popular, heavily subsidised program, is designed to assess the current nutrient status of soils on farms and provide...
On-ground collaboration protects Ramsar 482 wetlands

On-ground collaboration protects Ramsar 482 wetlands

It’s all go with the on-ground component of PHCC’s Wetlands and People project lately, and collaboration has to be the catch-word of the month! Bulbous weeds around the wetlands have been treated and preparations are under way for much more weed control work, as well...
On the Hunt for Numbat Digs and Scats

On the Hunt for Numbat Digs and Scats

Local landholders and interested members of the community attended PHCC’s Numbat Dig ID Workshop in Dryandra Woodland on Friday the 13th of November. By learning how to identify Numbat traces, landholders can determine if numbats are utilising on farm habitat which...

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present