People (Baalap)

An Engaged and Active Community


  1. Effective Natural Resource Management
  2. Resource Managers are Supported to Improve Natural Assets and Productivity
  3. Cultural Heritage Values are Embedded Across NRM Activities
  4. Our Community Understands, Values and Respects the Regions Natural Resources

An Engaged and Active Community (Objective 1)

Successful NRM is as much about working with people as it is about natural resources. This includes providing direct and practical support to groups and individuals such as local government, community groups, Aboriginal people and farmers. Our “Objective 1 – People” is based on the experience that people who are engaged and involved in NRM have a benefit and impact far beyond their local patch. These benefits are not only environmental, but also social and economic.  To create an engaged and active community, the Strategy includes four goals.

1. Effective natural resource management (Goal P1)

This goal encompasses the full spectrum of strategies to achieve effective NRM in the Region. This includes operating an effective regional NRM organization (that’s us, the PHCC), maintaining and implementing an NRM Strategy, establishing partnerships, coordinating activities between organisations and across the Catchment, and monitoring and evaluating the condition of natural resources.

2. Resource managers are supported to improve natural assets and productivity (Goal P2)

Direct and practical support is required by land managers to effectively implement sound land management practices. Experience has shown this is most effectively delivered through landcare centres and professional NRM staff, with collaborative support across all sectors.

3. Cultural heritage values are embedded across NRM activities (Goal P3)

Protection of our Aboriginal and European Heritage sites is crucial. Aboriginal people have both a cultural and intellectual connection to places which enhance NRM and enrich our community. Most of our major rivers and wetlands are of cultural significance to Aboriginal people, and are often also of social and recreational significance to the wider community. Various strategies to increase communication with, and involvement of, Aboriginal people in NRM are included under this goal. Our community understands, values and respects the region’s natural resources (Goal P4).

The natural environment maintains a sense of place for people and there is a strong desire to strengthen the connection between people and their local environment. Strategies under this goal aim to increase people’s connection with the natural environment, support sustainable recreational use of natural areas and support a skilled landcare and volunteer base.

The Strategies and Activities aimed at achieving each of the Goals listed above can be viewed here.

Management Actions to support our People (Baalap) goals and Regional land Partnerships (RLP) 5 Year Outcomes

Click on the images below to view a summary of our projects and a list of actions PHCC is delivering on to achieve the goals for this Objective and meet our Regional land Partnerships  (Australian Government) Outcomes. 

View all our people projects here.

Wetlands and People

By 2050, the ecological character of the Peel-Yalgorup Ramsar System has stabilized or improved

Numbat Neighbourhood

By 2050, Threatened Species populations of Numbat and associated species such as the Woylie, Chuditch and Black-forest Cockatoos species are conserved and are more resilient across WA

A World for Woodlands

By 2050, the condition of the nine EPBC listed threatened ecological communities in the Peel-Harvey Region is maintained or improved

Greening Farms

By 2050, productive agricultural systems and a healthy environment are intrinsically linked

Protecting WA Black Cockatoos

By 2040, halt the decline of Carnaby’s Cockatoos