Knowledge (Kaadadjan)

Science and Knowledge Underpin Natural Resource Management


  1. Influence decision making for better NRM
  2. Increase the effectiveness of natural resource management
  3. Land managers to use best knowledge and technology
  4. Identify and capitalise on market opportunities

Science and Knowledge Underpin Natural Resource Management (Objective 3)

Science, sound research and the sharing of information are key components of NRM in the Peel-Harvey Region. There is a wealth of scientific research and technical study that has occurred across the Region and it is essential that this is understood and used by decision makers and natural resource managers to achieve a ‘Healthy Catchment that Supports Life and Livelihood’. There are considerable knowledge gaps that need to be filled to support effective and cost-efficient NRM activities. The four goals under Objective 3 reflect the primary purposes of science and knowledge in NRM.

1. Influence decision making for better NRM (Goal K1)

Decision makers in government and the private sector need access to the best available research findings and information to ensure that land is managed wisely. New development and land uses should not create new NRM challenges for the future but provide new opportunities for environmental restoration. A number of landmark strategies and activities will achieve this goal including the preparation of regular State of the Region reports, implementation of the Science Strategy for the Estuary (and pending Strategy for the Catchment) and establishing the first stages of a Peel Waterways Institute.

2. Increase the effectiveness of natural resource management (Goal K2)

NRM practices must continue to evolve and adapt to the best available information. To enable this adaptive management and continuous improvement to occur, information must be collected for monitoring and evaluation purposes, science should be used to address knowledge gaps and innovation must be encouraged. The strategies to address this goal cover each of these aspects as well as incorporating the knowledge of Aboriginal people to improve the effectiveness of NRM activities..

3. Land managers to use best knowledge and technology (Goal K3)

Land managers use a wealth of knowledge and experience to inform the way they manage their paddock, patch or park. They may need support to access new information that has become available through research and field trials. Strategies to achieve this goal aim at information sharing between landholders, through field days, extension support, and field-based research trials.

4. Identify and capitalise on market opportunities (Goal K4)

The Peel-Harvey has competitive advantages that should enable market opportunities to be capitalized on, including its close proximity to an international airport, emerging support facilities, comparatively affordable land as metropolitan areas become more urbanized, and natural capital including a very productive area of the Wheatbelt. Capitalising on these opportunities will assist in employment and the social issues being experienced as a result of high unemployment. The Peel-Harvey is well placed to capitalize on market opportunities and land managers need support to identify and match production to markets, promoting the Region’s clean, green production by implementing sustainable practices that protect and restore the Region’s natural capital. The Strategies and Activities aimed at achieving each of the Goals listed below can be viewed here.

Management Actions to support our Knowledge (Kaadadjan) goals and Regional land Partnerships (RLP) 5 Year Outcomes

Click on the images below to view a summary of our projects and a list of actions PHCC is delivering on to achieve the goals for this Objective and meet our Regional land Partnerships  (Australian Government) Outcomes. 

View all our biophysical projects here.

Wetlands and People

By 2050, the ecological character of the Peel-Yalgorup Ramsar System has stabilized or improved

Numbat Neighbourhood

By 2050, Threatened Species populations of Numbat and associated species such as the Woylie, Chuditch and Black-forest Cockatoos species are conserved and are more resilient across WA

A World for Woodlands

By 2050, the condition of the nine EPBC listed threatened ecological communities in the Peel-Harvey Region is maintained or improved

Greening Farms

By 2050, productive agricultural systems and a healthy environment are intrinsically linked

Protecting WA Black Cockatoos

By 2040, halt the decline of Carnaby’s Cockatoos