Community Engagement
The scale of NRM across our catchment requires a respectful and inclusive approach. Our stakeholders and our project partners are wide and varied, and how we interact, share and learn from them will greatly contribute to achieving the PHCC’s strategic outcomes.
The Mission of the PHCC forms the backbone our planning processes:
- Building community education and capacity
- Influencing and leading critical thought and environmental pride
- Exemplifying and implementing best practice
To guide our community participation and engagement, we have prepared a Community Participation Plan and a Communications Plan.
Strategic Directions
Our Goal for Community Engagement is:
Goal 6: Engage and Enable Individuals and Communities
We will empower our community to be effective catchment managers and instill confidence and courage to be champions for our environment.
Our Community Engagement Approach
Just as the health of the Peel-Harvey catchment inspires and guides the work that we do, so too does our community and their aspirations to restore and protect our natural environment.
As the bridging organisation between community and governments in natural resource management (NRM), we are committed to building local capacity to protect our soils, rivers, estuary and wetlands, Ramsar assets and biodiversity.
We will use activities to inform, consult, involve, collaborate or empower others.
To achieve our vision for the protection and enhancement of the catchment’s natural assets, we are committed to working in partnership with all sectors of our community.
The objectives of our community engagement are to –
Increase knowledge of the pressures facing our catchment and lift the ability of the PHCC to lead positive change | Learn from each other’s experiences and build, preserve and share a hub of knowledge about our catchment | Lift pride, performance and participation, teach skills, and guide our community to become champions of the catchment | Respectfully work with others to strengthen project partnerships and community relationships. Build cultural respect into the foundations of our work | Provide support to increase knowledge, opportunities and skills that help our community do great things in caring for the environment |
When we engage with our community, our roles are wide and varied. We can be leaders of change, advocators, coordinators, educators, project partners, supporters, advisors, connectors, facilitators, sponsors and funders.
Our Communications Approach
The function of the Communications Plan is to raise awareness of the PHCC and its role in natural resource management (NRM) and encourage engagement and participation by all sectors of our community in protecting and improving our natural resources.
The PHCC Communications Toolkit offers a series of approaches for consideration when planning a project’s communications strategy.
Identifying the audience, key message and the best way to deliver that message will play an important role in choosing the right formats to ensure a good return on communications investment.
The PHCC have an active social media presence with over 2,000 followers on Facebook and relevant staff are active on Twitter. Our audiences on social media continue to grow. Media releases are provided to local, regional, state and national media on a regular basis to advise of project outcomes, activities and events. Traditional media is complemented with Radio. We regularly submit articles to various magazines and newsletters, e.g. The Department of Parks and Wildlife’s Bushland News and the Western Australian Local Government Associations WALGA News. We are consistently publishing articles in the Peel Development Commissions quarterly magazine and have a monthly “Landcare Matters” newsletter. We also have a series of Youtube videos that have been prepared and are regularly shared with community.
An Annual Report is prepared and distributed to our community, as well as being made available on our website and promoted via social media (refer picture below). PHCC meeting minutes are publicly available and these include financial statements relevant to project delivery. Onground activities, educational and engagement events and opportunities are regularly distributed in a variety of communication forms, as summarised below.
We currently have 2321 Facebook followers and this is the preferred medium for our community members and community groups.
All project staff have organisational Twitter accounts to continuously promote their project delivery, in virtually real time. The PHCC also has a Twitter account, currently with 514 followers. Twitter is a preferred medium for our professional partners (universities/practitioners/industry).
Newspaper Articles
Traditional Media is a method we use to send news about PHCC activities/events/grant opportunities etc. We have a robust circulation list across the Catchment, with the main community newspapers listed below (along with their readership and circulation)
- Mandurah Mail: 55,948 readership and 37,380 circulation
- Harvey Reporter: 6,000 readership and 4,105 circulation
- Community News: 39,000 readership and 37,303 circulation
Radio Interviews
Radio interviews are popular in the Peel-Harvey and the PHCC are active in engaging with our community, via a local radio.
TV Interviews
On occasion the PHCC are sought to represent our Community via television. Here our previous Chairman, Andy Gulliver, is interviewed, discussing the urgent need for collaborative action to protect the health of our Ramsar listed wetlands.
Hotham-Williams Newsletter
Our upper catchment community prefer to receive information via the 4 local newsletters. The PHCC have annual arrangements to purchase space in these newsletters, for advertisements of grant or event opportunities, when applicable, and for our regular monthly “Landcare Matters” newsletter. Landcare Matters commenced in July 2016, and 54 editions have been published in the 4 local newsletters since then. The circulation of each of the newsletters is detailed below:
- Boddington News: 400
- Cuballing News: 370
- Wandering Echo: 145
- The Williams: 450
Magazine / Newsletter Articles
To engage with a wider audience, in a more in-depth manner, the PHCC is active in submitting media articles in relevant magazines/enewsletters and similar. Examples are shown below:
- Peel Development Commission Magazine
- Bushland News
- Western Australian Local Government Association E-Newsletter
- Wetlands Australia