
Lake Clifton – a hotspot for TECs

Lake Clifton – a hotspot for TECs

Within the internationally recognised southwest WA biodiversity hotspot, Lake Clifton and surrounding areas supports several TECs in the one area, that need our protection. Ecological communities are groups of different species within the same unique habitat or area....

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2022 Great Cocky Count Open for Registrations

2022 Great Cocky Count Open for Registrations

The Great Cocky Count (GCC) is a long-term citizen science survey and the biggest single survey for black-cockatoos in Western Australia. On one night in autumn, volunteers monitor known roost sites and count black-cockatoos as they come in to their evening roosts at...

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Greening Farms and Wetlands

Greening Farms and Wetlands

The PHCC’s Greening Farms project is about greening the Peel-Harvey landscape for farming, fodder and fauna and in many cases this includes protecting and enhancing wetlands. While low lying, wetland areas can provide good fodder for stock and provide green feed...

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Strategy to Protect Natural Capital Launched

Strategy to Protect Natural Capital Launched

The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council have launched their “Bindjareb Boodja Landscapes – A Strategy for Natural Resource Management in the Peel-Harvey Region” to provide a framework and investment plan for the protection and restoration of the 1.12 million hectare...

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Wildlife Warriors

Wildlife Warriors

The Williams Wildlife Warriors are a group of local Williams children who meet after school to learn all about the wonders of their local environment. PHCC was invited to be local experts and we spoke about native fauna, how important the Williams River is and PHCC’s...

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Success on our Serpentine

Success on our Serpentine

Lowlands Nature Reserve and Hymus Swamp Reserve are two high conservation value areas on the Swan Coastal Plain. Hymus Creek is situated within privately owned land neighbouring both reserves, and is one of the three main drains on farmland that flow into the...

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Hunting for Numbat Digs

Hunting for Numbat Digs

Christine Townsend (PHCC) updated attendees on the Farmers for Fauna Project, Megan Leroy (PHCC) spoke about black-cockatoos and her search for nesting hollows. Brian MacMahon (DBCA) provided a Dryandra Woodland Fauna Update and Tamara Wilkes-Jones (Numbat Niche...

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Protecting our rare birds of Lake Clifton

Protecting our rare birds of Lake Clifton

Lake Clifton is one of the most significant natural wetlands in Western Australia, and provides an important refuge for waterbirds including a large number of duck, grebe, wader and swan species. Specially protected migratory birds frequently observed at Lake Clifton...

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We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present