A Healthy Catchment

Defending Dryandra – Feral Hotspots Project

Feral cats have played a significant role in 27 of the 47 extinctions of Australian fauna. They are recognised as a potential threat to 74 mammals including numbats and woylies both of which can be found in Dryandra Woodland National Park...

Hotham-Williams Warlang Boodja Project

Warlang Boodja means ‘Healthy Country’ in the local Noongar language. Restoration of our rivers is intricately linked to their Noongar history because the cultural significance of natural assets in the Hotham-Williams Catchment is...

Case Study 42: Worms in Windrows

Runnymede farm, situated in the Uduc region near Harvey, is owned and operated by Blythe and her partner Gregg. They have a total of 500 acres of land and currently run 400 chickens, producing pastured eggs, and 400 head of grass-fed beef....

Protecting WA Black Cockatoos

This project will support private landholders in the Peel-Harvey Catchment to manage and improve the habitat values of black cockatoo nesting and feeding sites, including the Eucalypt Woodlands of the Western Australian Wheatbelt and...

Numbat Neighbourhood

Supporting people to protect the vulnerable Noombat wioo (Numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus) in the wild. Noombat wioo (Numbat: Myrmecobius fasciatus) is a small unique marsupial found only in Australia. It is culturally significant to Noongar...

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present