With the Dryandra Woonta Project finishing up at the end of March PHCC shared the results of this project with 23 local landholders and community members at a workshop held in Dryandra Woodland.

PHCC staff spoke about the non-toxic Felixer trial with 6 Felixer units trialled in photo only mode on farms surrounding Dryandra Woodland and within the National Park itself. Once the trial has finished and the report is finalised we will share the results of the trial with the community and publish the report on our website.

Dr Heather Crawford spoke about feral cat biology, the diseases that feral cats spread and the study she completed studying the gut contents of feral cats culled around Dryandra.

Research scientists from DBCA Dr Kim Ottewell and Robyn Shaw shared the results of DNA analysis of feral cats culled in and around Dryandra. The findings from this study will help to guide management actions into the future.

Tamara Wilkes-Jones discussed the numbat dig survey where she found numbat digs on a number of Dryandra satellite blocks. Peter Lacey from DBCA was able to provide a fauna update including graphs of the mean daily camera data showing a steady increase of numbats.

Thank you to all of the guest speakers and to the landholders who attended the event.

Thankyou to all the landholders and DBCA who took part in the project.

This project is delivered by PHCC through funding from the Australian Government

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present