Photo: Canning MHR Don Randall with members of the Bridging the Gap Green Army who will be working on the Harvey River. L-R Back Row: Willow Moynihan, Luke Conway, Aaron Burvill, Michael Leather, Chloe Bird, Maya Rakatau, Danielle Foxe Front Row: Denam Ellis, Don Randall Absent: Shannon Brady, Alexander Coole
16 July 2015… A launch was held this week by the Harvey River Restoration Taskforce (HRRT) to welcome the new Bridging the Gap Green Army Team.
The team will provide essential on-ground support for a range of landcare projects along the Harvey River system lead by the HRRT. These projects form a significant component of the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council’s Rivers 2 Ramsar project, ‘Connecting River Corridors for Landscape Resilience.’
The launch, held at the Alcoa Landcare Education Centre located in Yarloop on July 14th 2015, featured a seedling planting by team members of the Green Army and Canning MHR Don Randall, followed by a luncheon prepared by the local Harvey Lions Club.
Harvey River Restoration Taskforce Rivercare Officer Jane Townsend welcomed the Green Army team, and outlined the projects with which they would engage.
“The Harvey River Restoration Taskforce and our project partners are excited to welcome the Green Army team to our on-ground program of activities aimed to increase biodiversity linkages along the Harvey River system. Without the support of our project partners and an initiative like the Green Army, we would struggle to achieve our project objectives,” said Jane Townsend.
“Over the next six months, we will undertake a range of activities including hand weeding, biodiversity monitoring, foreshore river assessments and bank stabilisation on selected reaches of the Harvey River,” Jane said.
Bridging the Gap CEO Jane McWhirter said the organisation is delighted to be partnering with the Harvey River Restoration Taskforce to deliver real benefits to the Peel-Harvey environment.
“The Green Army program supports hands-on local environment and conservation projects across urban, regional and remote Australia,” Ms McWhirter said. “Here at Bridging the Gap we have a long and proud history of managing initiatives like Green Army that deliver training and job opportunities to young people.”
Ms McWhirter also acknowledged the hard work of Canning MHR Don Randall in seeing the project realised. “With Mr Randall’s support we hope to deliver additional Green Army projects in the Peel region,” she said. “It is fantastic to see a Federal Member committed to working with local organisations to combat high unemployment while delivering real training and experience to young people.”
Canning MHR Don Randall congratulated Bridging the Gap together with the Harvey River Restoration Taskforce and the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council for their innovative approach to the delivery of the Green Army project.
“One thing these organisations have in common is a firm commitment to the communities in which they work,” Mr Randall said. “I am confident the delivery of this Green Army project will be second to none.”
Mr Randall said this Green Army project sees young people from the Canning electorate supported to achieve accredited conservation qualifications while delivering real environmental benefits to the Peel and Harvey regions.
“The Green Army was a key election commitment and will provide training to 15,000 young Australians by 2018,” he said.
The Harvey River project is supported by the Australian Government’s Green Army Programme and Bridging the Gap.
The Rivers 2 Ramsar project is supported by the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council through funding from the Australian Government.
The Australian Government has committed over $3.5 million to restore ecological corridors across the Peel-Harvey catchment to re-establish habitats for native fauna. The project, named Rivers 2 Ramsar to reflect the linkage between the region’s rivers and Ramsar-listed wetlands, is occurring concurrently across six priority sites in the 11,940km catchment.
Community-based natural resource management (NRM) organisation, The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, is managing the delivery of the over-arching project with no less than seven key partners, numerous stakeholders and community members.
The large scale biodiversity project is on schedule to finish in 2017 and is having significant social, economic and environmental benefits. This project is supported by the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council through funding from the Australian Government.
Media Contact: Jane O’Malley, Chief Executive Officer, Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, Jane.Omalley@peel-harvey.org.au , (08) 6369 8800