July in the upper catchment was all about getting seedlings in the ground! Revegetation was carried out at Koompkinning – Pumphreys Bridge and Tunbridge Gully. Both sites are attached to the Hotham River, which in the Noongar Dreamtime was formed by the Wagyl when she emerged from the ground and moved across the landscape.

At Koompkinning – Pumphreys Bridge, 20km east of Wandering on the Hotham River, we focused our attention on a patch of remnant vegetation with a largely weedy understorey. Restoration efforts always require weed control, and the target weeds in this case were Guildford grass and perennial veldt grass which were carefully sprayed prior to planting. This should assist with seedling survival along with the decision to avoid using guards due to the small number of seedlings planted last year being over-shaded and blocked from the rain. Travis (Jock) Abraham welcomed the planters to Country and was keen to see kangaroo paws, grass trees and bottlebrush (Calothamnus) included in the species list. It was great to have two of the Wandering Shire Councillors helping out, along with local property owners, and thanks must go to the CWA and Wandering Lions Club for the sausage sizzle and Devonshire tea.

Tunbridge Gully flows into the Hotham River near Boddington and has been a long term project site focused on removing the invasive Juncus acutus (sharp rush) and replacing it with native species. Every year since 2016, the Boddington District High School has helped plant seedlings, and the local kids have been able to watch them grow and thrive to the point that the sharp rush is present in significantly smaller numbers and can be maintained with a much-reduced weed control program. On 25 July, 65 school students joined PHCC, Friends of Reserves (Boddington), Shire of Boddington, Newmont and South32 to plant 3000 seedlings in a fabulous revegetation effort to build on years of restoration.

Planting events are an anchor point for many PHCC projects, they provide multi-fold benefits of efficiency, environmental outcomes and most importantly connections between people and with place.

This project is funded through partnerships with both South32 Worsley Alumina and Newmont Australia (Boddington) and the Shires of Boddington, Cuballing, Wandering and Williams.

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present