Dear Granny

The best thing about coordinating the World for Woodlands Project has been the opportunity to contribute to environmental conservation and engaging with like-minded locals, passionate about protecting ecosystems and species. Time and time again, I am overwhelmed and inspired by the commitment and dedication of landholders to improve natural values on their property. Their in-kind contributions, whether through financial investment or manual labour when undertaking on-ground works, makes it possible to achieve far greater outcomes than specified through funding deliverables.

With landholder in-kind contributions, the World for Woodlands Project has supported on-ground works to protect and conserve Banksia Woodlands in the Peel-Harvey Catchment, including pest and weed control, fencing to exclude stock and illegal access, treatment of dieback diseases, revegetation and installation of habitat boxes for our furry friends (including brush-tailed phascogales & microbats) that inhabit Banksia Woodland. These works directly address the key threats to species and ecosystems in our catchment. We have also held many community engagement and training events, to guide and inspire landholders to care for their bushland.

A major inspiration for me has been working with our Noongar community, particularly our Elders and Winjan Rangers. Together, we have slogged through dense bushland riddled with ticks and snakes, collected tens of thousands of seeds from threatened plants dense with prickles, installed fencelines and traps in the middle of summer and planted thousands of seedlings in the rain. All in the name of environmental conservation. I am blessed and proud to work alongside our Noongar groups!

During the past two years I’ve been in this position, I’ve learnt so much from our landholders, community groups and Noongar community. They have been so engaged in the program, inspiring me to go the extra mile and giving me the courage to tackle the difficult or controversial tasks. They have led by example and been patient when solutions are not obvious. Together, we leave a legacy that inspires people to learn about the natural world and act to preserve it and this is what I am most proud of.

Love Corrine

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present