The Peel-Harvey Catchment Council has received funding from the West Australian Government’s Royalties for Regions program to provide research and community engagement infrastructure. This will facilitate ongoing scientific research and monitoring activities in the Peel-Harvey waterways, with the ultimate aim of improving the health of these waterways. After work-shopping the project goals and outcomes with stakeholders the project has been named using the Noongar words Gabi Bidi, meaning Water Pathways. This reflects the importance of all the water in our catchment – the rivers, lakes and estuary and the path we are all on to improve the health of these.

The most significant piece of infrastructure for this project is the purchase of a mobile laboratory and research hub that can be transported to sites throughout the catchment. This unit is being purpose built by Pocket Condos, a local Pinjarra based company who specialise in the design and construction of tiny homes. PHCC has been working closely with Pocket Condos and local sub-contractors to develop the building design from the initial concept to the final construction design. It will be a fully self-contained laboratory with accommodation space for 2 people. This will allow local and visiting technicians to work in the more remote locations within the catchment for a number of days and nights without the need to pay for separate accommodation or travel long distances at the end of the day.

Other items of equipment already delivered for this project include three trailers, two of which are equipped to carry out river health assessments, and one that is for use at community and science engagement events. A new 4WD vehicle was also delivered in 2022. As well as having purpose designed space in the back canopy for processing and storing samples this vehicle is equipped with dual batteries and invertor to allow electrical equipment to be used and recharged. Collectively, the new and purpose built infrastructure will support PHCC and others to deliver a variety of scientific research, monitoring and community engagement activities within the Peel-Harvey catchment.

Artist impression indicative concept drawing of the lab

Funded from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Royalties for Regions Project

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present