The word is spreading and local landholders are reaping the multiple benefits from fencing and revegetating their streams and waterways.

Local landholders have been given a helping hand to improve water quality in our catchment. With support from PHCC, it is planned that up to 80 km of fencing and 24 hectares of revegetation will take place on private land over the next 4 years.

Local landholder Le Ma learned of the funding opportunities available last year, and decided to take advantage of the program by installing 1 km of fencing along a drain on his farm. This fencing excludes stock from the waterway, and also protects over 2.5 hectares of foreshore area. Whilst most of the drain on his property was already fenced, Le took advantage of the funding available to complete the further fencing that was required to completely eliminate stock from the waterway. Now that the fencing project is complete, plans are underway with the support of PHCC’s Healthy Estuaries Officer to revegetate the riparian area to further enhance its value and improve water quality.

With funding available over several years, landholders are able to take a staged approach to their projects. Farmers like Le have chosen to complete their projects in 3 stages, Stage 1: Stock exclusion fencing, Stage 2: Site preparation and weed control and Stage 3: Revegetation within the fenced area. Utilising this approach allows landholders flexibility and makes the allocation of their time and resources to meet goals much more achievable.

Installing fencing to exclude stock from waterways has important benefits to farm management as well as water quality and estuary health. Farmers can better manage their livestock by keeping them out of creeks and drains, benefits include improved drinking water quality by using off-stream watering points plus reduced waterborne diseases and exposure to parasites. Additionally fencing prevents stock from getting stuck in the muddy banks of the waterway – especially important during calving season. Stock exclusion also prevents erosion, sediment build up and nutrients being washed down stream and ultimately into our estuary. Fencing and revegetation will also beautify the landscape potentially enhancing property value, bring back local wild life and create much needed corridors throughout the very fragmented Peel-Harvey catchment.

The word is spreading and many landholders throughout the catchment are planning fencing and revegetation projects with PHCC‘s support. Whilst most landholders are aware of the benefits to farm management and improved water quality, they are equally as excited to improve landscape amenity on their farms now and in the future.
To find out more about funding opportunities available and to check your eligibility click the link below or contact our Healthy Estuaries Officer, Bec Mackenzie.

This project is part of the Bindjareb Djilba (Peel-Harvey estuary) Protection Plan and Healthy Estuaries WA, State Government initiatives to improve the water quality of the estuary.

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present