Nearly 1,000 community members recently gathered in Mandurah to celebrate the waterways that are the lifeblood of our region at the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council’s annual Wetlands Weekender mini-festival. The main attraction of the festival was a family day at Coodanup Foreshore on Sunday 10 October which featured cultural dancing with the Bindjareb Middars, a dance troupe consisting of young local Noongar people; stalls provided by local environmental groups featuring kids activities; a Dog’s Breakfast event; live music, markets and food trucks and a clean-up event to collect litter from the foreshore to pave the way for the arrival of migratory birds at our wetlands.

The festival launched with Friday night dinner at the Sebel Mandurah, but with a unique twist. Three international guest speakers, Sara Wolman from Alaska; Vandandorj Sumiya from Mongolia and Gab Mejia from the Philippines, joined the event by Zoom to share their stories of wetland conservation in areas along the migratory path followed by the shorebirds that visit our wetlands each summer. The dinner guests enjoyed a three-course meal with each course inspired by a stop that the birds make on their journey, with the local blue swimmer crab entrée being a highlight.

Two tours on Saturday provided festival participants with opportunities to get out and about exploring the wetlands. The first was a cultural tour with Traditional Owner George Walley from Mandjoogoordap Dreaming at Osprey Waters Foreshore Reserve, concluding with a morning tea featuring bush tucker flavours. The second tour combined a boat trip aboard a Mandurah Cruises vessel with commentary by Dr Steve Fisher from PHCC and Dr Jeremy Ringma from BirdLife WA providing insights into the beauty and fragility of our waterways, followed by a walking tour at Creery Wetlands with Sarah Way from local eco-tourism business Ways to Nature and Dr Mike Bamford.

Peel Bright Minds presented a Science Café event at Tods Café Mandurah on Saturday evening , offering young science enthusiasts the opportunity to hear from scientists Dr Sorcha Cronin O’Reilly and Dr Steve Fisher and ask questions about their work studying life under the water.

The annual festival timing coincides with ‘World Migratory Bird Day’, providing an opportunity to celebrate and raise awareness of the Peel-Yalgorup Wetlands, which includes the Peel-Harvey Estuary, the freshwater lakes Lake McLarty and Lake Mealup and the super salty Yalgorup Lakes. Together this wetlands system is recognised as internationally important through the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands for the habitat it provides for water birds, threatened species and communities, such as the Lake Clifton Thrombolites and other natural wonders. The festival included the eighth annual Pave the Way Clean Up, where participants joined PHCC and Coastal Waste warriors to remove litter from the Coodanup Foreshore to prepare for the arrival of migratory birds.

PHCC’s Chairperson Caroline Knight said “We are delighted that the third annual Wetlands Weekender festival was a great success. It was wonderful to see how enthusiastic those attending were to learn about how they can help to care for our natural environment, especially our wetlands. PHCC would like to thank everyone who came along and especially thank the many community groups and volunteers whose time and effort made the events possible”.

PHCC would like to wholeheartedly thank the many people and groups who contributed to making the event another great success this year! Thanks especially to Franklyn Nannup, Paddi Creevey, Sara Wolman, Gab Mejia, Vandandorj Sumiya, George and Lee-Anne Walley (Mandjoogoordap Dreaming), Peel Bright Minds, Nat and the team at Mandurah Cruises, Steve Fisher, Jeremy Ringma, Grace Ball, Andrew McKenzie, Jo Gallagher, Sarah Way (Ways to Nature), Mike Bamford, Peel Bright Minds, Sorcha Cronin-O’Reilly (Murdoch University), Coastal Waste Warriors, Bindjareb Middars, Street Hassle Events, Bleeding Ear Music & Special Events, Salt & Bush Eco Tours, Swanlandia, Sciteam, Mandurah Environment and Heritage Group, Sharon Meredith Photography, Greening Australia, The Nature Conservancy, The Wetlands Centre Cockburn, Marie Mitchell Art, WA Seabird Rescue, Estuary Guardians and Mandurah Volunteer Dolphin Rescue Group, City of Mandurah Rangers and BirdLife WA.

Check out PHCC’s Facebook page for photos of the weekend:

The Wetlands Weekender Festival is supported by the PHCC through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present