37 property visits, 4,397 km travelled, 28 Greening Farms Grant applications!

Your PHCC RALF officer has been busy over the past two months visiting landholders that expressed an interest in our Community Environment Grant (CEG)Program

The CEG Program is one of our most exciting times of the year, as we get to talk to farmers one on one regarding on farm management issues.

This year landholders in the Hotham Williams area were focused on managing Juncas acutus (Spiny Rush), revegetating saline areas with saltbush and mixed native plant species, as well as reducing hillslope erosion.

On the Swan Coastal Plain landholders focused on planting native species, creating wildlife linkages, and managing feral animals.

A total of 28 Greening Farms applications were submitted for potential funding of up to $10,000 per application.

There was an excellent quality of applications received and it’s been a big task by our team sorting through them all and reviewing them. We will be announcing the successful applicants in the next few weeks! If you missed out on getting an application in this year and would like more information for next year please contact PHCC, or your RALF officer for more information.

The Greening Farms project is supported by Peel Harvey Catchment Council, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare program

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present