Another great planting season has been completed at Tunbridge Gully in Boddington! A total of 3,300 seedlings were planted by over 70 volunteers rolling up their sleeves enjoying the muddy terrain and sunshine. A huge thankyou to the Boddington District High School, South32 Worsley Alumina, Newmont Australia, Friends of the Reserves – Boddington (Inc.), Shire of Boddington and PHCC staff and volunteers. There were smiles all round to finish the day with a scrumptious BBQ catered for by the Boddington P&C.

It was a great delight by all to see the growth of previous plantings, with some species standing taller than many of our volunteers. As the tree species gain height they are starting to shadow the understory and the Spiny rush (Juncus acutus) has continued to decline in the waterway, thus improving the health in the waterway.

This year, a total of 14 different species were planted in Tunbridge Gully including Callistemon phoeniceus, Casuarina obesa, Eucalyptus patens & E. rudis, Ficinia nodosa, Hakea undulata & H. varia, Juncus subsecundus, Kunzea recurva, Melaleuca incana, M. lateritia, M rhaphiophylla, M. teretifolia & M. viminea.

This project is coordinated by PHCC through funding from South32 Worsley Alumina.

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present