The fabulous volunteers of the Hotham Williams – Boddington Catchment have once again supported our Tunbridge Gully Restoration Project.  This important water way is returning to its former life with the removal of Juncus acutus (Spiny rush) and planting of native species.

The heavily infested area has been controlled by annual spraying and replanting of native seedlings, over a 7 hectare area leading down to the Boddington Weir on the Hotham River.  With many seedlings out growing their protective guards, removal of the guards has commenced and this has created a very inviting location in spring for many outdoor gatherings.

Without the help of all these wonderful volunteers this location would not be what it is today. Regardless of the weather conditions our volunteers have been there supporting this project. Over the last four years our fabulous volunteers have planted over 20,000 local native seedlings.  These species include Eucalyptus rudis, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla, Kennedia coccinea, Ficinia nodosa, Allocasuarina humilis and Anigozanthos managlesii.

This project is supported by South32 Worsley Alumina, Shire of Boddington, Friends of the Reserves (Inc), Boddington District High School, Newmont Australia

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present