Last year’s round of Greening Farms projects supported farmers across the region to improve the resilience of their farms by establishing vegetation, fencing remnant vegetation, exploring options to encourage soil organisms like worms and establish fodder crops on saline land. 21 projects across more than 600ha were supported with over $120,000 in funds provided by the PHCC. Find out how to get involved in the new round of Greening Farms grants here

With issues like nutrient leeching on sandy soils, creekline erosion, biodiversity loss and the reduction of arable land due to salinity, supporting farmers to maintain farm viability and reduce the impact of threats is increasingly important. And that’s where PHCC’s Greening Farms projects are proving their value.

In its third year Greening Farms has supported farmers across the region to install 19km of fencing, 189 hectares weed control, feral animals controlled across 630 hectares and 178 ha of land to be revegetated. Protection and rehabilitation of remnant bushland, weed control in natural areas including creeks, use of native species to stabilise soils and address waterlogging and erosion have been a focus.

“It’s great to see so many landholders receiving support for landcare projects that build on-farm resilience” says Mick Davis, PHCC’s Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator. “I’m looking forward to supporting more Greening Farms projects this year around the region through our next round of Community Environment Grants.”

Funding is available for eligible landholders and community groups in the Peel-Harvey Catchment for landcare and bushcare works including:

  • Fencing to protect bushland and waterways
  • Weed and feral animal control
  • Dieback disease management
  • Restoration and revegetation (seedlings and seed)
  • Wildlife habitat enhancement
  • Flora/fauna surveys
  • On farm native fodder/forage plantings
  • Innovative native pasture plantings, and
  • Black Cockatoo habitat projects

Interested landholders can submit an EOI to or contact Mick on 6339 8800. Applications are due by 31st August and we encourage applicants to speak to Mick or any of the PHCC’s other staff prior to completing their application.

This project is supported by the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present