Farmers across the catchment have been implementing on-ground works to help save the Carnaby Black Cockatoo.

Cocky (n) slang for farmer; and cockatoo.

With our Community Environment Grants in full swing across the catchment, we have seen some amazing work by farmers who are undertaking projects that protect and improve habitat for threatened black cockatoos.  

Raelene and Rob Poustie, farmers in Uduc, are into their second year of a grant to create a wildlife corridor across their farm.  A difficult area to revegetate with heavy clays that pug early in winter meant the Poustie’s started their fencing, ripping and planting earlier than most.

Megan LeRoy, Healthy Farms and Habitats Coordinator for PHCC, has been thrilled with the progress and dedication the Poustie’s have made putting in the hard work early to ensure a successful growing season.

“This project has seen over 400 black cockatoo seedlings that are cockatoo food species planted across 1.1 hectares, that are fenced and protected from livestock grazing. As food sources for black cockatoos dwindle, the work farmers can do on private land collectively can make a big difference to the survival of the species.”  Ms LeRoy said.

“Raelene and Rob have also fitted an artificial nesting tube known as a Cockatube to a large Marri tree on their property and we will monitor this for breeding”.

Megan encourages other farmers who frequently see Black Cockatoos using their property for feeding, drinking, roosting or nesting to get in touch with her to undertake a site assessment.  Megan can provide recommendations of food species suitable for planting and work with the farmer to provide funding to protect areas of native vegetation from grazing, weeds and pests.

For more information contact Megan LeRoy, Healthy Farms and Habitats Coordinator or 6369 8800

This project is supported by the PHCC through funding from the Australian Government’s Environmental Restoration Fund.

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present