Over the past few months, PHCC has provided over $100,000 of funding to community and public organistation partners for activities that will protect and improve the condition of local Banksia Woodlands.

Funding for a range of activities has been provided through PHCC’s Community Environment Grants (CEG) and Public Partnership Agreements which are funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. The $100,000 that PHCC have contributed this year towards improving Banksia Woodlands will enable landholders and land managers to undertake conservation works on their land. Private landholders and conservation organisations, including Serpentine Jarrahdale Landcare and DBCA, also contribute substantial in-kind funds and time in their grants towards the project activities.  These activities centre on addressing key threatening processes to Banksia Woodlands, such as habitat loss, weeds (particularly Veldt Grass), pests and dieback as well as assisting some of the pollinators and threatened fauna that rely on them, such as black cockatoos. In 2021-22 the project has funded a wide range of works including:

  • Revegetation involving planting of 13,700 native seedlings;
  • 332 ha of weed control;
  • 187 ha of pest animal control (foxes, rabbits and feral cats);
  • 3.9 km of fencing to exclude stock and pests from woodland and revegetation sites;
  • 17 nest boxes to be installed for brush-tailed phascogales, ring-tailed possums, pardalotes and microbats;
  • Installation of 4 cockatubes;
  • 3 water stations to be installed for black cockatoos and native species;
  • 7.8 ha of dieback treatment (phosphite spraying and tree injections); and
  • Multiple gates and signage installed to control access to sensitive sites.

The commitment of landholders and these kinds of partnerships are incredibly valuable in fostering custodianship and conserving these threatened Woodlands, and the species that depend on them on a landscape scale.

If you are a private landholder and have Banksia Woodlands on, or adjacent to, your land and are seeking funds or advice to undertake conservation activities, please contact PHCC on 6369 8800.

This project is supported by PHCC through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

We acknowledge the Noongar people as Traditional Custodians of this land and pay our respects to all Elders past and present